implant tedavisi

They are screws, mostly made of titanium, that are placed in place of lost teeth for treatment, fuse with the bone tissue after a while, and can function like a natural tooth. Generally, they act as the root of the lost tooth by applying it to the jawbone in cases of bone loss due to advancing age, tooth decay or tooth loss due to abrasions that occur over time. Afterwards, teeth that can perform the chewing function are applied on the implants.


Who Is Implant Applied To?


In the absence of a single tooth (following tooth extraction)
In individuals who have lost more than one tooth
In cases of complete tooth deficiency due to advanced age
Oral tissues in healthy individuals
In individuals with adequate jawbone dimensions
In cases where jaw bone loss is not advanced after tooth extraction
In individuals who do not have a permanent disorder of the immune system
In individuals who do not have excessive teeth grinding habit


Why is Implant Made?


Protects the health of other teeth and tissues (with a single missing tooth, the teeth around the extracted tooth do not need to be eroded).
It increases the retention of the dentures of individuals using full dentures.
It reduces the movement of the prosthesis in the mouth.
It increases the chewing force by acting as a natural tooth root.


What are the Advantages of the Implant?


The implant provides much better chewing function than other bridges and prostheses.
It is quite superior in terms of aesthetics and durability.
It saves you from the necessity and difficulty of using a removable prosthesis; In this regard, the implant helps to regain the self-confidence of people who have used removable prostheses before.
Jaw bone meltdowns are reduced thanks to the implant.
It eliminates the necessity of wearing natural teeth and making bridges.
Since it supports gingiva and bone, it gives more natural and aesthetic results compared to bridge prostheses.
Thanks to the implant, a healthier and balanced diet is provided.


How is the Implant Applied?

Implants can be applied to the jawbone in a single session under local anesthesia, or in several sessions if the number is high. The implant does not cause pain during application in a healthy individual.


When Are Teeth Ready?

After the implant is applied to the jawbone, a healing and osseointegration period is needed. This is 2-3 months for the lower jaw and 3-4 months for the upper jaw. At the end of this period, the construction of teeth on the implants can begin.

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